Where Home Is
Finding the right assisted living community can leave you feeling overwhelmed. The good news is you are not alone. We will help you find the perfect fit, so you can stop searching and relax knowing you have made the right decision.
About Us
The Waterford Assisted Living, Alzheimer’s & Memory Care Communities in Lincoln, Nebraska are locally owned and operated. Our team of professionals is committed to using their God-given talents and strengths to serve the needs of our residents.
Our Communities

Williamsburg Assisted Living
3940 Pine Lake Rd.
Lincoln, NE 68516

College View Assisted Living
4848 S 48th St.
Lincoln, NE 68516

Wilderness Hills Memory Care
8939 Keystone Dr.
Lincoln, NE 68516
Assisted living, simplified.
There is a lot to consider when exploring assisted lving options. That’s why we created our resources hub. Resources and articles to help every step of the way, from financing questions, to move-in assistance.

Senior Living Blog
A collection of our favorite articles and resources to help you prep for assisted living and stay-up-to-date with senior lifestyle, health, and assisted living trends.
Learn the Lingo
It’s common to struggle with the terminology used in the senior living industry. We have created a convenient glossary to help you make sense of the conversation.